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03.31.2019: One Lesson of Math - Logarithms and Exponents, 5/10: Solving Exponential and Logarithmic

Today's soundtrack is Spitfire: The Dead Next Door, a chaotic hardcore/screamo album from 1999, somewhat reminiscent of early Norma Jean. I really love the guitar work on the track "A Gaze at Quintessence;" it's slower, almost doomy, with some wicked pinch harmonics. The outro of "Good Cop, Bad Cop" is also crazy cool; it has some Herman Li-esque ascending riffs. I tried to find a YouTube vid of the songs to embed, but had no luck; however, the full album is in my blog playlist on Spotify.

This morning, I'm learning how to solve exponential and logarithmic equations.

We learned how to solve exponential equations in yesterday's lesson; let's review that now. Depending on whether the bases are exponentially related and on how many variables there are, there are two different methods that we can use.


If we have a single variable and a related base, our task is simple.

How to solve an exponential equation whose bases are exponentially related

  • Make the bases the same

  • If we start with 3²ˣ⁺¹ = 27ˣ, we can see right away that 27 is just 3³

  • 3²ˣ⁺¹ = (3³)ˣ

  • Simplify exponents

  • 3²ˣ⁺¹ = 3³ˣ

  • Drop the bases

  • 2x+1 = 3x

  • Solve algebraically

  • 2x-2x+1 = 3x-2x

  • 1 = 1x

  • x=1

If the bases are not exponentially related, we must use the folllowing method:

How to solve an exponential equation with a single variable whose bases are unrelated

  • Apply the log to both sides

  • 5ˣ = 20 becomes log5ˣ = log20

  • Apply the Power Rule to move all exponents down

  • xlog5 = log20

  • Divide both sides by the log and argument of the side with the variable

  • xlog5/log5 = log20/log5

  • Write out the answer

  • Exact form: x=(log20/log5)

  • Decimal form, rounded to five places: x=1.86135

But what if we have variables on both sides, and the bases are not related? Things get a lot messier, but it's still doable.

How to solve an exponential equation with variables on both sides whose bases are unrelated

  • Apply the log to both sides

  • 4³ˣ⁺² = 3⁴ˣ becomes log4³ˣ⁺² = log3⁴ˣ

  • Use the Power Rule to move all exponents down

  • (3x+2)log4 = 4xlog3

  • Expand terms through distributive properties

  • 3xlog4 + 2log4 = 4xlog3

  • Collect variables

  • 3xlog4 - 4xlog3 = -2log4

  • x3log4 - x4log3 = -2log4

  • Factor to remove variable from terms

  • x(3log4 - 4log3) = -2log4

  • Isolate the variable through division

  • x = (-2log4/[3log4 - 4log3])

  • This is exact form

  • x = 11.76990

  • This is decimal form


We're now ready to move on to logarithmic equations. These equations start with a logarithm already present - no need to insert. Which method we use will depend on whether the variable and log are on the same side of the equation.

Let's go through some scenarios!

How to solve a logarithmic equation with log and variable on same side

  • Boot the log

  • If we start with logx = 2, we know that the invisible base is 10

  • "Boot the log" by sliding the base to the other side of the equation and making the constant into its exponent, which gives us x = 10²

  • Simplify

  • 10² = 100; thus, x = 100.

How to solve a logarithmic equation with log and variable on opposite sides

  • Use the Change of Base rule

  • log₄21 = x + 1 becomes log21/log4 = x+1

  • Isolate the variable

  • (log21/log4) -1 = x

  • ​Write in either exact form or decimal form

To sum this all up: when solving an equation involving a single log, if the log and variable are together, boot the log. If the log and variable are apart, change the base.


We can use the laws of logarithms to solve more complex logarithmic equations.

How to solve a logarithmic equation with three logs

  • logx - log4 = log5

  • logx - log4 + log4 = log5

  • logx = log4 + log5

  • logx = log(4+5)

  • Now, remembering that two logs added together indicate multiplication of the arguments...

  • logx = log20

  • Since we have log[argument] on both sides, we can drop the logs

  • x = 20

How to solve a logarithm with two logs

  • 2logx = log81

  • Remembering the power rule, we know that the 2 preceding "log" on the left indicates that x is raised to a power of two

  • logx² = log81

  • 81 is a perfect square; let's change its base

  • logx² = log9²

  • We now have log[argument] on both sides; let's drop the logs

  • x² = 9²

  • Take the square root of both sides

  • x = ±9

  • Remember the restrictions on our values: x>0, and x≠1, so -9 is an extraneous root.

  • x = 9

How to solve a logarithm that turns into a polynomial

  • log₄(-x) + log₄(2-x) = log₄15

  • Using the multiplication law, we know that adding two logs with the same base together multiplies them, so on the left side, after using distributive factors, we get log₄(-2x+x²)

  • log₄(-2x+x²) = log₄15

  • Now we can drop the logs

  • -2x+x²=15

  • Move all onto one side and solve as a quadratic polynomial for x

  • x²-2x-15=0

  • This factors into (x-5)(x+3)

  • x = -3 and x=5; however, notice that in the original equation, our variables were preceded by negative signs, so if we use a positive argument, we will get a negative log, which is illegal. So our answer is -3.

That's all for today; tomorrow, we'll be talking about exponential functions.

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