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02.27.2019: One Lesson of Math - Precalculus 12 Orientation

Today's soundtrack is Supertramp: Breakfast in America, an album that really didn't click for me the first time I heard it, but the more I listen, the more its depth becomes apparent. It feels like an album that would be best experienced by listening to it on vinyl in a cozy room, reading the lyrics while listening to the tracks.

This afternoon, I went in for my Precalculus 12 orientation. I'll be working pretty intensely on the lessons in an effort to complete the course before the end of June. I think that doing so will be achievable as long as I stay focused; the course is a self-paced online course with video presentations and interactive modules, which is great. My precalculus 11 course was also self-paced, but it was based out of a single workbook, and I basically taught myself the material through a synthetic approach of the textbook's examples, videos on Khan Academy, and whatever old videos I could find floating around on YouTube. I'll be able to save a lot of time in this course by not having to search for relevant instructional videos (and often getting sidetracked in the process)!

Exhibit A of getting sidetracked:

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