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07.04.2018: One Chapter of Nonfiction

Today's soundtrack is Tremonti: A Dying Machine, an absolute beast of an album. I've enjoyed Mark Tremonti's playing since his days in Creed, and it's really wonderful to see how much he's evolved as a musician and artist.

This afternoon, I'm reading the fourth chapter of John Calvin's The Institutes of Christian Religion, "The knowledge of God is suppressed or spoilt, inadvertently or deliberately."

God puts "a seed of religion" (p. 28) into everyone, but nobody sees the seed grow to fullness. Even men who seek God do so in "[v]anity and pride" (p. 28). Thus even when they do try to worship Him, it is not God that they worship; rather, they worship an imaginary god, making a mockery of Him.

Those who reject God are being deliberately blind; after all, the knowledge of God is in the heart of every man. The knowledge of God is a "natural insight" (p. 29). A rejection of God is not only to say that there is no God; it also encompasses those who deny that God is sovereign and just and holy.

Those who reject the existence of God change their tune quickly when calamity befalls them: "They make involuntary prayers, proving that they were not entirely unaware of [H]im, but had deliberately suppressed feelings which ought to have been expressed long before" (p. 32).

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