02.11.2018: One Lesson of Blender

Today's soundtrack is Alcest: Kodama.

In Blender Guru's third lesson, I'm learning about Edit Mode. I can enter Edit Mode by pressing "tab."

I can select multiple edges by holding down "shift" while clicking edges. If I hold down "alt," I can select a row of edges. If I select four edges in a box, it lets me select a face. If I hold down alt+shift, I can select the faces of a row.

Using the buttons on the bottom of the screen, I can select vertex mode, edge mode, or face mode. Again, I can use R (rotate), G (scale), x/y/z, middle mouse - same as scaling!

I can use "O" in edit mode to enter "proportional editing mode," which lets me select by using the scroll wheel how large of an area to modify.

I can use "B" and then left-click drag to select a large area. I can use "B" then middle-click drag to deselect a portion of a selected area. I can hit "A" to toggle select all/deselect all.

I can use "C" to circle-select (essentially painting an area); left-click to select, middle mouse to deselect. Right-click exits circle-select.

I can switch to "Wireframe" mode by hitting "Z."

"Shift+D" will allow me to duplicate a selected object.

"P" will allow me to separate a selected object and make it its own object.

I learned how to add icing to my donut by copying part of the donut, moving it above the original donut, adding the "solidify" modifier, and playing around with it until I was happy with how it looked.