03.08.2019: One Lesson of Math - Radical and Rational Functions, 3/6: Solving Radical Equations

Today's soundtrack is Guardian: Buzz, a grunge rock album from the mid-90s that really played a part in shaping my love of hard rock music. I had it on CD; depending on which way you folded the insert, there were four different options of cover art, each depicting a different interpretation of the album's title (all pictured at the right).

Right around the time I was learning to play the drums, I had this album in heavy rotation, and it definitely influenced my favoured style: loud and heavy, with a massive snare sound.

This afternoon, I'm learning how to solve radical equations both algebraically and through technology (with either one function or two), while checking for extraneous roots. A radical equation looks something like this: 13 = √(x+2) + 4.
