02.26.2019: One Guitar Lesson

Today's soundtrack is Van Halen: Van Halen, a rock album that few people haven't heard.

This evening, I'm working on the first lesson in the orange category on JustinGuitar.com, "Notes in the Open Position."

Today's lesson covers the first four notes on each of the six strings of a guitar in standard tuning, descending from the high E to the low E.

  1. E

  2. E

  3. F

  4. F#/Gb

  5. G

  6. G#/Ab

  7. B

  8. B

  9. C

  10. C#/Db

  11. D

  12. D#/Eb

  13. G

  14. G

  15. G#/Ab

  16. A

  17. A#/Bb

  18. B

  19. D

  20. D

  21. D#/Eb

  22. E

  23. F

  24. F#/Gb

  25. A

  26. A

  27. A#/Bb

  28. B

  29. C

  30. C#/Db

  31. E

  32. E

  33. F

  34. F#/Gb

  35. G

  36. G#/Ab
