12.06.2018: One Lesson of Math - Extrapolating a Graph's Information to Write an Equation in Fac

Today's soundtrack is Christmas With the Mills Family, a Spotify playlist that includes my favourite Christmas songs.

A quick side note before I begin this lesson: at the local thrift store, I found a Kawai FS680 for $10! I'm so stoked!

This evening, I'm finishing up the assignment portion of my lesson on analyzing general form quadratic functions. Parts one and two are here and here.

In this section, I'm asked to determine the equation of a quadratic function based on its zeros and one point that it passes through. I touched on this before; however, today I'm writing out the equation in factored form.

To write out the equation of a graph in factored form based only on its x-intercepts and one point that it passes through, we do the following:

  1. Start with the factored form: y = a (x-x1)(x-x2)

  2. Substitute the x-intersects into x1 and x2

  3. Substitute the known coordinate's x and y values into the equation's x and y variables

  4. Solve for a.

And with that, I'm done this chapter! Next time, I'll be working on the final chapter in this unit: Problem Solving.