11.02.2018: One Chapter of Nonfiction

Today's soundtrack is The Three Tenors: The Three Tenors In Concert, an incredibly passionate performance.

This evening, I'm reading the first chapter of the second book of Aristotle's Ethics.

There are two kinds of virtue: "intellectual and moral" (p. 55). The former comes by teaching; the latter, by habit. As habit is formed not by nature but by nurture, we can see that moral virtue is "produced in us neither by Nature nor against Nature" (p. 55). In the same way that a man becomes a musician by practicing music, one must become morally virtuous by practicing good habits. But we must be careful - a man can become a bad musician by practicing badly. It is hard to unlearn a bad habit, and this too applies to our morality.

#TheThreeTenors #Aristotle